Adopt-A-Spot Program
Adopt-A-Spot Near You!
By Adopting-A-Spot in Savannah, your organization will be joining a movement to take local action towards beautification that has a global impact.
About the Adopt-A-Spot Program
The City of Savannah and Keep Savannah Beautiful are seeking volunteers to assist with keeping public spaces clean. The goal of the Adopt-A-Spot program is to inspire individuals to take greater responsibility for creating a clean and beautiful city through litter prevention and community beautification.
What are the benefits to the Community and City?
The obvious benefit is the beautification and enhancement of previously blighted areas. The increased citizen involvement in litter control and beautification will strengthen community and neighborhood pride as well. Volunteers removing the litter and maintaining a site also saves the City of Savannah’s Sanitation and Property Maintenance Department man-hours cleaning and inspecting blighted areas, thus saving public tax dollars.
Who Can Adopt-A-Spot?
Any civic-minded organization, such as the following, can adopt a stretch of street (one mile minimum) leading into their community.
Garden Clubs
Neighborhood Organizations
Boy Scouts
Girl Scouts
Church Groups
Junior or Senior High Student Councils
Rotary Clubs
Thanks to our current Adopt-ers!
When you Adopt-a-Spot you are making a commitment to:
Develop a functional plan that will influence and encourage your neighbors to get involved in improving the appearance of your adopted spot.
Conduct eight cleanups a year at your adopted location and alert KSB to cleanup dates so that we can help secure media coverage and send more volunteers out to help.
Photograph the events so that KSB can spread the world about the good work you’re doing to help your community!