Become a #DrainWarrior and adopt a storm drain in your neighborhood!
About the adopt-a-drain program
What goes down our storm drains goes directly to where we swim, boat and fish.
Having clean rivers and beaches starts on your street. That makes our storm runoff a precious resource. Yes – Savannah has crews that keep our storm drains clean. We also have 14,114 storm drains with more on the way! We can use a little help…
Become a #DrainWarrior and adopt your neighborhood storm drain! Keep it clear of litter and debris. It takes just a few minutes, and can keep your home and neighborhood from flooding. For dry streets, clean water and a well drained Savannah – become a drain warrior today!
Keeping storm drains clear is important for two big reasons here in the low country:
Preventing street flooding: during a rain storm, storm drains are designed to quickly move water off the street. A clogged drain can cause water to pool and flood our streets.
Protecting water quality: Pollutants left on the ground, like bacteria-laden pet feces or plastics and Styrofoam in litter, are swept into storm drains with rain. These pollutants then end up passing through untreated to our local waterways, ultimately impacting our water quality.
Report polluters:
If you see anyone dumping pollutants into the street or storm drain, or if you spot someone blowing leaves and yard waste into a drain, please report this to the City of Savannah 311 Action Center.
You can dial 3-1-1 locally to reach an operator, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or anytime via the online form at Reports to 311 can be made anonymously.
Remember: nothing but rain down the drain!
The Adopt-A-Drain Program is brought to you by:
How to adopt a storm drain
Thank you for your dedication to Savannah. Your well-being and enjoyment are important to us. All volunteers are expected to conduct themselves in a safe, courteous and legal manner while participating in activities on City property or right-of-way. All volunteers must please follow the following guidelines when volunteering to keep drains clear of debris:
Safety tips
Wear highly visible, brightly colored or reflective clothing to alert traffic and drivers
Please contact 311 Savannah (dial 311 or submit online ) to report any storm drains which appear to be broken or otherwise damaged
Do not go into storm drains and do not block travel lanes
Cross streets at signals or crosswalks, not mid-block.
Wear durable or heavy, closed toe, shoes/boots, preferably with ankle support.
Wear gloves and durable pants, tops, jackets, and hats. Keep hydrated.
Collect the debris from the sidewalk and stay out of the road whenever possible.
Work facing traffic.
Use a rake, shovel or other tool to remove material from the storm drain, NOT your hands. Do not use power tools. Carry tools carefully to avoid hitting others. Always use the right tools for the job.
Be aware of your surroundings, make sure to watch for cars; whenever possible, work with a partner who can watch for traffic hazards while you are cleaning the storm drain.
Never attempt to clear debris if there is moving water greater than knee deep.
Be cautious when walking on potential slippery and uneven surfaces.
Wash hands and any clothing after contact with stormwater runoff, which can contain pollutants, including bacteria. Have first aid supplies available.
Call 911 for emergencies.
Debris Removal
Never touch hazardous or medical waste (including syringes).
Always sweep, rake or shovel glass. Never pick up sharp objects with your hands
Please, report illegal dumping of waste or pollutants to the City of Savannah (dial 311 or submit online )
Only pick up debris that is on top of the drain. Do NOT enter or reach inside drain to retrieve trash or debris.
Do NOT remove the grate cover from the storm drain opening
Use a broom to sweep up remaining sediment or debris around the drain
Do not leave debris near the drain or on the green belt, please dispose recyclables, organic waste (if free of trash) and garbage into home recycling, compost or refuse containers. If the volume of material is too large to transport back to your home, please call the Stormwater Program and they will make arrangements to pick up the debris.
Please contact the City of Savannah (dial 311 or submit online ) to report any storm drains which are full inside with debris and need mechanical cleaning to remove debris from bottom of drains.
General Conduct
Always be courteous to fellow volunteers and City employees.
Never use vulgar language or engage in threatening or disruptive actions.
Never make unauthorized changes to City property or right-of-way, including landscaping.
Keep foreign mulch and soils off City property and right-of-way, unless pre-authorized by the Stormwater Program.